The Salinerito project began in 1970 at Salinas de Guaranda, within the province of Bolívar in Ecuador.  The vision and zest were ignited by passionate people who gathered together to create something bigger than themselves, and which was to benefit not only their families but also the community at large.  The Salinerito experience make Ecuadorians deeply grateful and proud since this story is an example of personal growth and success in real time.


Dear Friends,

In the midst of so many interested messages, we want to be a message of solidarity. In the midst of so many slogans about the best development, we want to show the face of a possible development.

Small community businesses serenely crossing the sea of globalization. Peasant communities that continue to be organized, defying the winds of individualism.

Images of rowdy parties and shared duels. Arrival of interesting visits and bittersweet farewells of friends. Beautiful landscapes from the windswept moors to the sun-kissed sub-tropics.

Faces of children and adults, of beautiful women because of the flower of their age or because of their wrinkles, who tell a thousand stories of dedication, patience and faith.

Projects that are born, projects that culminate in the slow but sure flow of the salt process to get out of poverty in solidarity.

WELCOME to Salinas!
Father Antonio Polo SDB

Our Commitment

Since 1970, Salinas, within the province of Bolívar in Ecuador bet on Cooperativism as the effective and democratic way to confront poverty and marginalization, with the support of foreign volunteers and the Salesian Mission.

Little by little, it went from a town without an organizational culture and producer of salt, to an organized and agro-industrial town.

The result has been the maintenance of its population, avoiding migration to urban centers, aimed at working in close cooperation with local communities, thus promoting sustainable development and wellbeing in the region.


By consuming Salinerito products you contribute to the development and progress of the most vulnerable sectors of Salinas and its communities.  With your purchase you guarantee income to more than 3,000 peasant families that produce: milk, cocoa, medicinal plants, handcrafts.



Salinas, Guaranda – Ecuador

+593 99 8938596


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